Volume 4, Issue 2 (1996)
SYMPOSIUM: The Violence Against Women Act of 1994: A Promise Waiting To Be Fulfilled
Introduction: The Promise of the Violence Against Women Act of 1994
Elizabeth M. Schneider
Stopping Violence Against Women Still Takes a Fight: If In Doubt, Just Look at the 104th Congress
Patricia Schroeder
The Civil Rights Remedy of the Violence Against Women Act: Legislative History, Policy Implications & Litigation Strategy - A Panel Discussion Sponsored by the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, September 14, 1995
Julie Goldscheid, Sally Goldfarb, Betty Levinson, Jenny Rivera, Noel Brennan, and Elizabeth M. Schneider
The Violence Against Women Act Project: Teaching a New Generation of Public Interest Lawyers
Minna J. Kotkin
The Urban Crisis: Made in Washington
Michael E. Lewyn
Genetic Discrimination, Insurability and Legislation: A Closing of the Legal Loopholes
Richard A. Bornstein
Attorney Direct-Mail Solicitation Revisited in Florida Bar v. Went For It, Inc.: A Step Too Far
Israel Dahan
Closing the Courtroom for Undercover Police Witnesses: New York Must Adopt A Consistent Standard
Robin Zeidel