Volume 78, Issue 2 (2013)
Post Zoning: Alternative Forms of Public Land Use Controls
Introduction to the Symposium
Christopher Serkin and Gregg Macey
The Gentrification Trigger: Autonomy, Mobility, and Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing
Rachel D. Godsil
Neighborhood Conservation Districts: The New Belt and Suspenders of Municipal Zoning
William A. Fischel
Community Benefit Agreements: A Symptom, Not the Antidote, of Bilateral Land Use Regulation
Alejandro E. Comacho
Crowdsourcing Land Use
Lee Anne Fennell
Transferable Development Rights Programs: "Post-Zoning?"
Vicki Been and John Infranca
Governmental Conservation Easements: A Means to Advance Efficiency, Freedom from Coercion, Flexibility and Democracy
Gerald Korngold
Redeeming Transect Zoning?
Nicole Stelle Garnett
The Takings Clause and Partial Interests in Land: On Sharp Boundaries and Continuous Distributions
Richard A. Epstein
A Tax Analysis of the Emerging Class of Hybrid Entities
Joseph M. Binder
The Sky's the Limit: The Border Search Doctrine and Cloud Computing
Nicolette Lotrionte