Volume 76, Issue 3 (2011)
Statutory Interpretation: How Much Work Does Language Do?
Confirmatory Legislative History
James J. Brudney
Passive-Voice References in Statutory Interpretation
Anita S. Krishnakumar
Penalty Default Interpretive Canons
Rebecca M. Kysar
Statutory Meanings: Deriving Interpretive Principles from a Theory of Communication and Lawmaking
Mathew D. McCubbins and Daniel B. Rodriguez
Two Kinds of Plain Meaning
Victoria F. Nourse
Text or Consequences?
Jane S. Schacter
Naive Textualism in Patent Law
Jonathan R. Siegel
Statutory Interpretation, Morality, and the Text
Lawrence M. Solan
The Rules of Consumption: The Promise and Peril of Federal Emulation of the Big Apple's Food Laws
Victoria Bettina Browne
Debt Settlement: A Beast of Burden Without Any Reins
Andrew T. Schwenk