Volume 67, Issue 1 (2001)
DNA Lessons From the Past - Problems For the Future
Margaret Berger and Bailey Kuklin
Keynote Address: Beyond the Genome
Joshua Lederberg
Fingerprint Evidence in an Age of DNA Profiling
Jennifer L. Mnookin
Seeing and Believing: Images of Heredity in Biological Theories of Crime
Nicole Hahn Rafter
The Tipping Point in the Law's Use of Science: The Epidemic of Scientific Sophistication That Began With DNA Profiling and Toxic Torts
David L. Faigman
Legal and Policy Issues in Expanding The Scope of Law Enforcement DNA Data Banks
Mark A. Rothstein and Sandra Carnahan
The Gene Patenting Controversy: A Convergence of Law, Economic Interests, and Ethics
Daniel J. Kevles and Ari Berkowitz
Essay: The Future of DNA Testing and Law Enforcement
Charlotte J. Word
Predictions for the Twenty-First Century
Dorothy Nelin