Volume 65, Issue 2 (1999) The Second Circuit Review: 1998-99 Term
FOREWORD: How an Expanding Caseload Impacts Federal Appellate Procedures
Hon. Richard J. Cardamone
The Critical Importance of Proving Market Impact in Sherman Act Antitrust Cases: A Review of the Second Circuit's Recent Antitust Decisions
David S. Copeland
The Recognition of a Qualified Privilege for Non-Confidential Journalistic Materials: Good Intentions, Bad Law
Christopher J. Clark
Evaluating Emotional Distress Damage Awards to Promote Settlement of Employment Discrimination Claims in the Second Circuit
Michelle Cucuzza
ESSAY: Dispelling Suspicions as to the Existence of the Self-Evaluative Privilege
Hon. Arlene R. Lindsay and Lisa C. Solbakken