Volume 41, Issue 3 (2016) SYMPOSIUM: Reconsidering the Tax Treaty
Introduction: Reconsidering the Tax Treaty
Steven A. Dean and Rebecca M. Kysar
Treaties in the Aftermath of BEPS
Yariv Brauner
Kill-Switches in the U.S. Model Tax Treaty
Allison Christians and Alexander Ezenagu
Tax Treaties as a Network Product
Tsilly Dagan
Location Savings and Segmented Factor Input Markets: In Search of a Tax Treaty Solution
Mitchell A. Kane
“Thinking Outside the (Tax) Treaty” Revisited
Adam H. Rosenzweig
How Reform-Friendly Are U.S. Tax Treaties?
Fadi Shaheen
The Two Faces of the Single Tax Principle
Daniel Shaviro
Cutting the Wire: A Comprehensive EU-Wide Approach to Refugee Crises
Kelsey Leigh Binder