Volume 11, Issue 2 (2017)
Front Matter
Journal Staff
Table of Contents
Journal Staff
Social Capital of Directors and Corporate Governance: A Social Network Analysis
Zihan Niu and Christopher Chen
Accountability in Corporate Governance in China and The Impact of Guanxi as A Double-Edged Sword
Andrew Keay and Jingchen Zhao
From Systemic Risk to Financial Scandals: The Shortcomings of U.S. Hedge Fund Regulation
Marco Bodellini
Putting the Substance Back into The Economic Substance Doctrine
Nicholas Giordano
The Legal Climate on Climate Change: The Fate of The EPA's Clean Power Plan after Michigan and UARG
Israel Katz
The Death of Private Practice: How the Rising Cost of Healthcare is Destroying Physician Autonomy
Oliver Owaid
Full Disclosure: Moving Beyond Disclosure Regulations to Affirmative Regulation of Executive Compensation
Christopher Saverino
Back Matter
Journal Staff