Most Recent Additions*
A Payoff to Second Best Pragmatism: Rethinking Entity Classification for Foreign Companies
Jon Endean
Mythical Adverse Effect
Naveen Thomas
The Immigration Shadow Docket
Faiza Sayed
Criminal Law as Public Ordering
Alice Ristroph
Evidence Law’s Blind Spots
James Macleod
Using Express Federal Preemption to Avoid a Costly State-by-State Regulatory Landscape for Social Media Platform
Benjamin Summers-Berger
Reconsidering Scienter With Social Media: Adapting Rule 10b-5 in the Age of Elon Musk Tweets
John Madigan
Sounds of Silence: Codifying the Unimpaired Creditor’s Right to Post-Petition Interest at the Contract Rate
Matthew Killip
Baseball's Antitrust Exemption Still Looms Large For Minor Leaguers Despite Their Recent Unionization & Collective Bargaining Agreement
Rodney William Cannon
Cutting the Corporate Puppet Strings Off Your Physician’s Hands: How Approval Requirements for Material Health Care Transactions Will Improve Patient Outcomes
Jacqueline Grundfast
Running From Blanket Licensing: How Fitness Platforms Do Not Sync With Current Music Licensing Procedure
Kathryn Defranco
The Section 1031 Qualified-Use Requirement
Bradley T. Borden
Bradley T. Borden
Tax Law Analysis
Bradley T. Borden
Tax Law Analysis Applied to Section 1031 Exchanges & Proximate Business Transactions
Bradley T. Borden
The Section 1031 Exchange Requirement
Bradley T. Borden
*Updated as of 09/09/24.