Volume 19, Issue 1 (2010)
Sanctioning Corporations
Meir Dan-Cohen
Organizational Liability
James Fanto
Should The Perception of Corporate Punishment Matter?
Peter J. Henning
The Social and Moral Cognition of Group Agents
Bertram F. Malie
The Psychology of Collective Responsibility: When and Why Collective Entities Are Likely To Be Held Responsible For the Misdeeds of Individual Members
Steven J. Sherman and Elise J. Percy
Punishing Collective Entities
Tom R. Tyler and Avital Mentovich
Is the Deck Stacked Against Internet Gambling? A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Proposed Regulation
Nicholas Bamman
Smash or Save: The New York City Landmarks Preservation Act and New Challenges to Historic Preservation
Rebecca Birmingham
None of Their Business: The Need for Another Alternative to New York's Bail Bond Business
Andrea Clisura
Absent Accountability: How Prosecutorial Impunity Hinders the Fair Administration of Justice in America
Scott J. Krischke
Reform After the Reform Act
Kendra Schramm