Submissions from 2024
One-Offs, William Araiza
False Start on NIL: Public and Private Law Should Treat College Athletes Like Any Other Student, Jodi Balsam
Renewing Products Liability With Semen, Anita Bernstein
Tax-Law Analysis, Bradley T. Borden
The Section 1031 Exchange Requirement, Bradley T. Borden
The Section 1031 Qualified-Use Requirement, Bradley T. Borden
Temporary Protection for Ukrainians in the European Union: Why Now and When Again, Maryellen Fullerton
Ukraine, Moral Outrage, and International Law, Heidi Gilchrist
Response: Client Counseling in Post-Conviction, Alexis Hoag
Community Responsive Public Defense, Alexis Hoag-Fordjour
Response: Client Counseling in Post-Conviction, Alexis Hoag-Fordjour
Equity for Intermediaries: The Resolution of Financial Firms in Bankruptcy and Bank Resolution, Edward Janger
Impact IPSA Loquitur: A Reverse Hand Rule for Consumer Finance, Edward Janger and Susan Block-Lieb
Surveilling Disability, Harming Integration, Prianka Nair
Juror Privacy via Anonymity, Jayne S. Ressler
Mythical Adverse Effect, Naveen Thomas
Submissions from 2023
Cleansing Animus: The Path through Arlington Heights, William Araiza
Corporate Compliance's Achilles Heel, Miriam Baer
Square-Peg Frauds, Miriam Baer
One Tort, Four IRACs, and Five Lessons About Rule Support Cases, Alissa Bauer
An Ally Can Connect Tort Theory to International and Comparative Law, Anita Bernstein
The Common Law Inside Social Media, Anita Bernstein
TICnerships, Bradley T. Borden
Move to Amend, Wilfred Codrington III
The Phantasm of Principle, Wilfred Codrington III
Bob Lutz - Expert, Mentor, and Friend, Diane Penneys Edelman
The Puzzle of Floating Forum Selection Clauses, Robin J. Effron and John F. Coyle
Prosecutorial Mutiny, Cynthia Godsoe and Maybell Romero
Enterprise, Liability, and Insolvency: An Essay in Honor of Aaron Twerski, Edward Janger
Functional Tort Principles for Internet Platforms: Duty, Relationship, and Control, Edward Janger and Aaron Twerski
Racial Equality Compromises, yuvraj joshi
Weaponizing Peace, Yuvraj Joshi
Stories from the Negative Spaces: United States v. Thind and the Narrative of (Non)whiteness, Joy Kanwar
Reimagining Langdell’s Legacy: Puncturing the Equilibrium in Law School Pedagogy, Joy Kanwar, Rachel Gurvich, Danielle Tully, Laura Webb, Alexa Chew, and Jane Cross
Citizenship Outside the Courts, Catherine Y. Kim
Race, Solidarity, and Commerce: Work Law as Privatized Public Law, Shirley Lin
Evidence Law’s Blind Spots, James Macleod
Data Property, Christina Mulligan and James Grimmelmann
Rethinking International Investment Law: Form, Function & Reform, Stratos Pahis
The Case against the Debt Tax, Vijay Raghavan
Criminal Terms, Anna Roberts
Models and Limits of Federal Rule of Evidence 609 Reform, Anna Roberts
Reforming Prior Conviction Impeachment, Anna Roberts and Julia Simon-Kerr
The Immigration Shadow Docket, Faiza Sayed
Splitting the Baby, Irene M. Ten Cate
Contract Logic, Naveen Thomas
Rational Contract Design, Naveen Thomas
Submissions from 2022
Disgust and Guns: Conduct, Identity, and Second Amendment Animus, William D. Araiza
Teach Your Citizens Well: Demeaning Government Speech, Equal Protection Animus, and Government's Legitimate Power, William D. Araiza
The Elastic Corporate Form in International Law, Julian Arato
Forecasting the How and Why of Corporate Crime's Demise, Miriam H. Baer
Timeout for Sports Trademark Overprotection: Comparing the United States, European Union, and United Kingdom, Jodi S. Balsam
Sharing Your Home with Strangers: Common-Interest Ownership and Financing Options, Debra Bechtel, Crystal Liu, Ernira Mehmetaj, and David Reiss
Privity 2.0 May Be Even Better for Tort Defendants, Anita Bernstein
The Sinking Immigration Court: Change Course, Sink the Ship, Stacy Caplow
Filing While Black: The Casual Racism of the Tax Law, Steven A. Dean
Released, but Not Free: The Unexonerated, Heidi Gilchrist
No Hiding from Justice: Universal Jurisdiction in Domestic Courts, Heidi R. Gilchrist
The Place of the Prosecutor in Abolitionist Praxis, Cynthia Godsoe
The Victim/Offender Overlap and Criminal System Reform, Cynthia Godsoe
Divest, Invest, & Mutual Aid, Cynthia Godsoe and Caitlyn Garcia
Can You Be a Legal Ethics Scholar and Have Guts?, Cynthia Godsoe, Abbe Smith, and Ellen Yaroshefsky
The Color of Justice, Alexis Hoag
Aggregation and Abuse: Mass Torts in Bankruptcy, Edward J. Janger
Fit for Its Ordinary Purpose: Implied Warranties and Common Law Duties for Consumer Finance Contracts, Edward J. Janger and Susan Block-Lieb
Racial Justice and Peace, yuvraj joshi
Rights Retrenchment in Immigration Law, Catherine Y. Kim
Unaccommodated: How the ADA Fails Parents, Sarah H. Lorr
Lived Experience and Disability Justice in the Family Regulation System, Sarah H. Lorr and L. Frunel
The Role of the "Victim" in the Criminal Legal System, Kate Mogulescu
Consumer Law's Equity Gap, Vijay Raghavan
Shifting Burdens at the Fringe, Vijay Raghavan
Workplace Anonymity, Jayne S. Ressler
Read Thyself, Alice Ristroph
Defense Counsel's Cross Purposes: Prior Conviction Impeachment of Prosecution Witnesses, Anna Roberts
Finding the Right Angle: Lessons from Mathematics for the Legal Writing Classroom, Maria Termini
Golden Shares and Social Enterprise, Naveen Thomas
Race and Lawyering in the Legal Writing Classroom, Danielle L. Tully
What Law Schools Should Leave Behind, Danielle L. Tully
Reimagining Langdell's Legacy: Puncturing the Equilibrium in Law School Pedagogy, Danielle L. Tully, Rachel Gurvich, Laura Webb, Alexa Chew, Jane Cross, and Joy Kanwar
Survived & Coerced: Epistemic Injustice in the Family Regulation System, Lisa S. Washington
Weaponizing Fear, Lisa S. Washington
Contract's Covert Meddlers, Sarah Winsberg
Submissions from 2021
Mad about the First Amendment, Our Beacon for Liberty, Equality and Democracy, Nicholas Allard
Sweet Are the Uses of Adversity, Nicholas Allard
Regents: Resurrecting Animus/Renewing Discriminatory Intent, William Araiza
Left/Right: Managing the Coming Clash between Congressional Rights Enforcement and Judicial Doctrine, William D. Araiza
The Free Speech Record of the Roberts Court, William D. Araiza
The Law of License Plates and Other Inevitabilities of Free Speech Context Sensitivity, William D. Araiza
Law Enforcement's Lochner, Miriam H. Baer
Are You There, Law? It's Me, Semen, Anita Bernstein
Q: What is Tort? A: Categorical Hurt, Anita Bernstein
Three Deft Kicks to the Problem of Cyberbullying, Anita Bernstein
Without Religion W(h)ither Family Law?, Anita Bernstein
Healthy Hives: Can Replacing Hierarchies with Intergroup Teams Transform Our Profession?, Heidi K. Brown
Lawyering 'Twisties': Naming and Untangling Performance Anxiety, Heidi K. Brown
Purcell in Pandemic, Wilfred U. Codrington III
Beyond the "Made in America Tax Plan": GILTI and International Tax Cooperation's next Golden Age, Steven A. Dean
Ten Truths about Tax Havens: Inclusion and the "Liberia" Problem, Steven A. Dean and Attiya Waris
The Silver Lining of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Building Effective - and Enduring - International Legal Education Opportunities, Diane Penneys Edelman