Volume 63, Issue 3 (1997)
The Seventh Abraham L. Pomerantz Lecture
The Epistemology of Corporate-Securities Lawyering: Beliefs, Biases and Organizational Behavior
Donald C. Langevoort
Commentary: The Epistemology of Corporate-Securities Lawyering: Beliefs, Biases and Organizational Behavior
Roger J. Dennis
Statutes of Limitation and Corporate Fiduciary Claims: A Search for Middle Ground on the Rules/Standards Continuum
Matthew G. Dore
Gradgrind's Education: Using Dickens and Aristotle to Undersand (and Replace?) the Business Judgement Rule
Kent Greenfield and John E. Nilsson
Secondary Obligors and the Restatement Third of Suretyship and Guaranty: For Love or Money
Brett E. Lewis