Volume 62, Issue 2 (1996)
The Second Circuit REview: 1995-1996 Term
SPEECH: Remarks at the ThurgoodMarshall Commemorative Luncheon
Constance Baker Motley
ABORTION RIGHTS: Of Buffer Zones and Broken Bones: Balancing Access to Abortion and Anti-Abortion Protestors' First Amendment Rights in Schenck v. Pro-Choice Network
Deborah A. Ellis and Yolanda S. Wu
FIRST AMENDMENT: A Funny Thing Happened to the (Non) Public Forum: Lebron v. National Railroad Passenger Corporation
Jonathan Bloom
INTERNATIONAL LAW: Establishing Incredible Events by Credible Evidence: Civil Suits for Atrocities that Violate International Law
Russell J. Weintraub
SUMMARY ORDERS: Report of Joint Subcommittee on Use of Summary Orders by the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
New York County Lawyers' Association