Brooklyn Journal of Corporate, Financial & Commercial Law

First Page



The traditional procedures of corporate governance are not designed to resolve issues related to close outcomes of corporate votes, empty voting practices, the proxy voting protocol, verification of shareholder identities, and access to corporate records. Blockchain technology allows all corporate shareholders to participate in corporate governance more conveniently, with increased transparency, on a secure network. Estonia sought to revolutionize corporate governance by facilitating the development of a blockchain based e-voting protocol for shareholders of companies listed on the Tallinn Stock Exchange to vote in shareholder meetings. After unsuccessful attempts, New York stands well behind other states, such as Delaware, in positioning itself as a regulatory leader to allow blockchain enabled procedures to disrupt corporate governance. This Note considers how the Estonian model of e-Residency, or “Estonia’s gift to the world,” can be adapted to a New York market to enhance shareholder engagement and re-incentivize innovation-driven entities to incorporate in New York.
